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File extension fixer

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File extension fixer is a free tool intended to fix executable file extensions and run programs even when these extensions are damaged.

It also includes several fixes to common issues caused by modern malware to windows registry.

Version .com available to be used if the .exe file extension has been damaged.

Supported extensions are: .EXE, .MSI, .REG, .BAT, .CMD, and .COM.

File extension fixer icon

If the .exe file extension is corrupted, download

If the .com file extension has also been corrupted, follow the steps below:

1: Right-click a file that has an "Open with" context menu (eg: a text or word document or a picture), hover Open with... menu and click Choose default program.

2: Uncheck the box that says to always open this file type with this program.

3: Click Browse button, browse to the path where ExeFixer is located and click to select it.

4: Click Open button.

If you're working on Windows Vista or higher, and the User account control is enabled, these steps won't work in normal mode if the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile has been completely deleted, because windows won't be able to set the administrator rights for ExeFixer.

Thus, if you didn't manage to run ExeFixer using the steps above, reboot into safe mode and repeat the procedure.

Once you've managed to run File extension fixer, you can use its features to fix your computer,

While you're working in safe mode, it maybe useful to disable the User account control, specially if the computer is still infected, because the malware will certainly delete the .exe extension again once you reboot in normal mode.

To disable the User account control, type or paste the text below in the ExeFixer run field and hit Enter:

cmd /c reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v "EnableLUA" /t reg_dword /d 0 /f

You can also click the button Enable and run Regedit, on ExeFixer window, search for the value EnableLUA under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System and change its data to 0.

Now you'll be able to run ExeFixer in normal mode. It allows you not only to fix the file extensions mentioned above, but also to run or open any file even when these extensions are damaged. You can even open an internet location or download a file.


To open this page type or paste in ExeFixer's run bar and press Enter.

To download UVK type or paste in ExeFixer's run bar and press Enter.

To download Malwarebytes AntiMalware type or paste: 
in ExeFixer's run bar and press Enter.

To run cmd commands type cmd /c or cmd /k followed by the command you wish to execute and press Enter.

To fix a file extension, just select the one you want to fix and click Fix extension button.You can also select to fix all six file extensions: .exe, .msi, .reg, .bat, .cmd, and .com by selecting the field All in the combo list right after Select extension: .

The buttons on the lower pane will help you to fix and disinfect your computer:

The buttons Enable and run Regedit, Enable & run Task manager and Enable & run Msconfig will enable these tools and run them immediately, in case the malware is monitoring these tools and constantly disable them.

The button Download & run UVK will download our virus removal tool, UVK, and run it when the download finishes. This will allow you to easily delete the malware that is deleting your file extensions.

The button Run System Restore will allow you to restore your computer to the state it was before the infection.

The button Enable autoplay function will enable autoplay for CD/DVD and USB drives.

Note: We recently renewed our code signing certificate, so you may get a Smart Screen warning saying the file is not commonly downloaded and may harm your computer. Please ignore the warning and chose to keep the file anyway.


Download Exefixer.exe

Current version:


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