Tech Tool Store

Tech Tool Store

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Making Technicians lives easier

Tech tool store is an IT professional application which contains more than 600 free technician tools packed in a simple, fully featured interface.

Tech Tool Store lets users configure, update, organize, and run the desired tools with just a few clicks. And if it doesn't have the tool you want, you can add it to the list in just a few seconds. Other features include professional HTML reports and support for automated unninstall of the tools. Read more...

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Current version: File size: 7.85MB

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What's new in the latest builds?

Check  Softpedia downloads are back again.

Check  Added a button to test the downloads in the Tool creator/editor.

Check  Added a new dialog box for testing downloads that use the Parse link text method.

Check  Tweaked the behavior when double-clicking a tool: download is skipped if the associated application is installed and up to date, otherwise the downloaded file is updated with the latest version.

Check  Tech Tool Store now uses our own (much faster) INI parsing api for saving selections and other settings,

Check  Renamed Visual C++ Runtime 2015 2019 Visual C++ Runtime 2015-2022, and updated the download URL.

Check  Fixed bug: Tech Tool Store was crashing when running some built in system repair tools.

Check  Added a new group to the list of tools: Built in system repair tools. This new group is displayed at the bottom of the list, and contains all the fixes that can be found in UVK's System repair list, except for those that already exist in the other Tech Tool Store groups.

Check  Fixed some tools that were no longer downloading properly. 

Check  Fixed some tools that were downloading regardless being already updated.

Check  Fixed some tools that were installing regardless being already installed with the latest version.

Check  Downloads are no longer limited to 4 GB in size.

Check  Downloads are now much faster thanks to bigger buffers and multithreading. 

Check  Users can now select the desired UI theme to use: A light background theme with dark text, or a dark background with light text.

Check  Improved the UI with a light theme.

Check  Improved the tools' tooltips.

Check  Improved compatibility with all Windows themes, including the contrast ones.

Check  Added a new group to the list: Windows and Office Install This new group contains tools that help in Windows and office download, installation and install media creation. Also moved the following tools to this group: NTLite (Install & Run), Windows 10 Build Updater, Windows 10 install media creator, Windows 8.1 Install Media Creator and Windows and Office Download Tool.

Check  Improved icon consistency for the buttons and the context menu.

Check  Added 64-bit download and install options to the 7-Zip (Install only) tool. That was because we realized that installing the 32-bit version did not integrate with the Windows shell.

Check  Added a new option for running tools: Do not re-install up-to-date applications. When this option is enabled, applications that are already installed and up to date will not be re-installed. This can save lots of time and let you use TTS to quickly update installed applications

Check  Added a new button to the list's menu: Check all installed apps. This new feature lets you quickly tick all applications that are already installed in the local computer, allowing you to easily update or uninstall them.

Check  Added a new group to the list: Ransomware decryptors and tools. This new group is intended to help recover from ransomware infections and contains many tools for that effect, such as links to ransomware type identifucation, downloading decryptors and cleanup ransom notes and other files.

Check  Added two new buttons to the list's menu: Check all portable tools, and Check all installing tools. This new features let you quickly tick all tools in the list that correspond to the chosen criteria (portable tools or installing tools).

Check  Added a new option in Settings: The tool finder searches item names and also descriptions.

Check  Added a new group to the list: Essential tools from ths store. Because we can not download tools directly from the store, tools in this new group take you to the online page of each tool, allowing you to install tools from there. All tools in this group can be uninstalled from Tech Tool Sore directly.

Check  Added a new group to the list: Online tutorials. This new group contains links to your favorite online tutorials about computer tech.

Check  Added support to decompress several file archive types: 7z, lzma, cab, zip, gzip, bzip2, Z and tar. Previously, only ZIP archives were supported. This also fixed the issue of not extracting password protected archives correctly.

Check  Added a new option: Keep a local copy of downloaded archive files after successful extraction. This new option can be found in the Settings dialog box, Options tab, and controls whether the archives that are successfully updated and extracted should be kept. By default, those archives are deleted to save storage space. 

Check  Changed the name of some of the tools so that their default positions are after the tools they are dependent on: AdBlock Plus for Chrome to Chrome|add Adblock Plus; AdBlock Plus for Firefox to Mozilla Firefox|add Adblock Plus; AdBlock Plus for Edge to Microsoft Edge|add Adblock Plus.

Check  Removed ToolWiz Care because it was causing BSOD in many machines.

Check  Removed Avast AswMBR because it was causing BSOD in many machines.

Check  Improved stability (the database now fails to load less often).

Check  The following tools were added to the latest builds: 

  • Filezilla Portable, to Miscellaneous tilities
  • DeviceRescue, to System repair tools
  • Chrome|add uBlock Origin, to Important updates
  • Mozilla Firefox|add uBlock Origin, to Important updates
  • Microsoft Edge|add uBlock Origin, to Important updates
  • Microsoft Office uninstaller, to System maintenance tools
  • DiskGenius, to Storage device tools
  • Microsoft PowerToys, to System tweaking tools
  • ThrottleStop, to System tweaking tools
  • Everything, to System monitoring tools
  • RuckZuck, to System maintenance tools
  • DriverStore Explorer, to System repair tools
  • DiskCopy, to Storage device tools
  • balenaEtcher, to Storage device tools
  • Unlocker Install, to Important updates
  • CamStudio Install, to Important updates
  • WinSetupFromUSB, to Storage device tools
  • Windows 11 install media creator, to Windows and Office Install
  • Windows 11 Installation Assistant, to Windows and Office Install
  • Windows 11 ISO download page, to Windows and Office Install
  • AnyDesk, to Remote access tools
  • PC UserBenchmark, to System information tools
  • S.O.S. Security Suite, to Malware removal tools
  • Victoria, to Storage device tools
  • RustDesk, to Remote access tools
  • 1: ID Ransomware, to Ransomware decryptors and tools
  • Avast ransomware decryption tools, to Ransomware decryptors and tools
  • CryptoSearch, to Ransomware decryptors and tools
  • Emsisoft Decrypter, to Ransomware decryptors and tools
  • Kaspersky Ransomware Decryptors, to Ransomware decryptors and tools
  • MIichael Gillespie's Decryptors , to Ransomware decryptors and tools
  • No More Ransom by Europol, to Ransomware decryptors and tools
  • QuickHeal Ransomware Decryptor, to Ransomware decryptors and tools
  • RansomNoteCleaner, to Ransomware decryptors and tools
  • Trend Micro Ransomware File Decryptor, to Ransomware decryptors and tools
  • NETGEAR Genie, to Network tools
  • Western Digital Dashboard, to Storage device tools
  • Ext2Fsd, to Storage device tools
  • Ext2Read, to Storage device tools
  • Linux Reader, to Storage device tools
  • HDClone, to Storage device tools
  • Adobe Photoshop Express, to Essential tools from ths store
  • Animotica - Movie Maker, to Essential tools from ths store
  • Blender, to Essential tools from ths store
  • EarTrumpet, to Essential tools from ths store
  • Facebook Messenger, to Essential tools from ths store
  • Instagram, to Essential tools from ths store
  • Microsoft To Do, to Essential tools from ths store
  • Movie Maker 10 - FREE, to Essential tools from ths store
  • Pinterest, to Essential tools from ths store
  • SmartTaskbar, to Essential tools from ths store
  • Spotify Music, to Essential tools from ths store
  • Telegram Desktop, to Essential tools from ths store
  • TranslucentTB, to Essential tools from ths store
  • VideoPad Video Editor Free, to Essential tools from ths store
  • WhatsApp Desktop, to Essential tools from ths store
  • Zoom Rooms, to Essential tools from ths store
  • ZHP Cleaner, to Adware removal tools
  • Microsoft Edge, to Important updates
  • Libre Office, to Important updates
  • Android Reinstall/Upgrade, to Online tutorials
  • Odin Downloader, to Miscellaneous tools
  • Samsung USB Driver, to Miscellaneous tools
  • Absolute Uninstaller, to System maintenance tools
  • Diskpart tutorials, to Online tutorials
  • DISM tutorials, to Online tutorials
  • Keyboard shortcuts lists, to Online tutorials
  • Laptop repair tutorials, to Online tutorials
  • MacOS tutorials, to Online tutorials
  • PowerShell tutorials, to Online tutorials
  • Ransomware decryption tools, to Online tutorials
  • Shell, CMD and RunDLL32 commands, to Online tutorials
  • Software command line switches, to Online tutorials
  • Useful YouTube channels, to Online tutorials
  • Windows install/upgrade, to Online tutorials
  • ISO2Disk, to Storage device tools
  • Iperius Remote, to Remote access tools
  • SupRemo, to Remote access tools
  • CCleaner Install, to Important updates
  • Logitech Connection Utility, to System repair tools
  • AMD Ryzen Master, to System tweaking tools
  • Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, to Malware removal tools
  • Opera Browser, to Important updates
  • Minitool Shadowmaker Free, to Backup and recovery
  • EasyBCD, to System tweaking tools
  • Win2Flash, to Miscellaneous tools
  • Clear Disk Info to System monitoring tools
  • ADATA SSD Toolbox, to System tweaking tools
  • WAU Manager, to System maintenance tools
  • Sumatra PDF (install only), to Important updates
  • Sumatra PDF portable, to Miscellaneous tools
  • Joystick Tester, to System monitoring tools
  • Replaced ClassicShell with Open-Shell, in Important updates



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