Tech Tool Store

Tech Tool Store - Run tools

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Selecting the tools to run

Before running the desired tools, you need to select them in the list. You can manually tick the check boxes next to the tools you want to run.

You can also make use of the Check all, Check none, Check All in this group and Check none in this group context menu items to help you with the selection process, or load a previously saved selection.


Running the selected tools

Once you have selected the tools you want to run, press Run selected, in the left pane. You can press Update and run selected instead, in which case Tech Tool Store will update each tool before running it.

Upon confirmation, the process will begin. You can cancel monitoring a single tool by pressing the Cancel tool button, or cancel the whole update process, by pressing the Cancel All button. Both cancel actions need confirmation. Also, by cancelling a tool, TTS will not terminate its process.

When the process is complete, Tech Tool Store will return to its normal interface. 


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