Start menu Missed one

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Start menu Missed one

Post by Charger440 »


First off. Thank you for adding the tool. But, you missed one. I ran it on my system and it missed an icon.
Missed one.png
Missed one.png (279.23 KiB) Viewed 33267 times

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Re: Start menu Missed one

Post by Charger440 »


Did you see this one?

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Re: Start menu Missed one

Post by Fred »

Hi Jim.

Yeah, I started to reply and then forgot to submit (as usual).

Currently UVK searches in the apps virtual folder (shell:::{4234d49b-0245-4df3-b780-3893943456e1}) and executes the Unpin from start verb in all items (if available). If that shortcut was not present in that location, it would remain.

I can try making it search in other places, such as the desktop folder. It would probably help if you could tell that shortcut's original file location.
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Re: Start menu Missed one

Post by Charger440 »



DWORD Hex set to 1

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Re: Start menu Missed one

Post by Fred »

Hum... I don't think deleting or changing that value will do much, but I'll try it out anyway. If you right-click the start menu shortcut, do you have the Open file location option? If so, where does it take you to?
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Re: Start menu Missed one

Post by Charger440 »

This is the only place i can find Drawboard
drawboard.png (17.06 KiB) Viewed 33159 times

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Re: Start menu Missed one

Post by Charger440 »

Here are more that are not not being removed from the start menu.
Start menu.PNG
Start menu.PNG (185.01 KiB) Viewed 33149 times

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Re: Start menu Missed one

Post by Fred »

Thanks, Jim. I'm going to create a new user account to try to reproduce that.
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Re: Start menu Missed one

Post by Charger440 »

Fred, those three are also not installed either. They are like ads from the windows store.

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Re: Start menu Missed one

Post by Fred »

Yes, those are suggestions. I managed to reproduce this I think I figured out how to remove them all, but the Windows file explorer process will have to be restarted. Checking out other options now.
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Re: Start menu Missed one

Post by Charger440 »

Hey Fred
The new update worked flawlessly on a few machines then yesterday I tried it again and it left about 4 tiles. I ran it again to see it would remove those 4 and it actually added about 6 more tiles

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