Smart uninstaller

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Smart uninstaller

Post by Charger440 »

I'll make this quick as I need to run off to bed.

I have noticed a few times that smart uninstaller does not show all the items in the add/remove programs list. I ran across that again today but had a customer watching over my shoulder.
If you are not aware of this issue, I will screen shot both add/remove and smart uninstaller for you to see.

Today, at least half the stuff did not show up in smart uninstaller.


P.S. I have another script I am working on if Fred don't beat me to it :)

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Re: Smart uninstaller

Post by Fred »

Hello Jim.

Can you please attach a reg file of one of the "not shown" uninstall entries?
As you certainly know, the uninstall entry's key is a subkey of one of the following keys


Please export the uninstall entry's key, zip and attach the created reg file. That will help me understand why it doesn't show up.

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Re: Smart uninstaller

Post by Charger440 »

I will be getting the computer back this weekend that I was refering too. It will be a good one to look at since I will have it here in the office. Most of the add/remove stuff on it did not show up in Smart uninstaller. It will be interesting to see why. I will get you all the details asap on it.


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Re: Smart uninstaller

Post by Fred »

OK, thanks Jim!
One thing we humans have in common is that we are all different. So, if you think you're weird because you're different from everyone else, then we are all weird.

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