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WLAN Profiles Manager

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:31 pm
by Fred
This UVK script is a simple program that allows to perform WIFI related actions that have been
removed from the Windows 8/8.1 interface, such as deleting saved WIFI profiles.

This program can be easily extended to a full WIFI manager.

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WLAN Profiles Manager

Author: Fred (

This is a simple program that allows to perform WIFI related actions that have been
removed from the Windows 8/8.1 interface, such as deleting saved WIFI profiles.
This program can be easily extended to a full WIFI manager.

#Region Global constants
Global Const $h__WLANAPI = DllOpen('Wlanapi.dll')
Global Const $WLAN_CLIENT_VERSION = StringInStr('WIN_XP WIN_XPe WIN_2003',@OSVersion) ? 1 : 2
Global Const $tGUID = 'DWORD Data1;WORD Data2;WORD Data3;BYTE Data4[8]'
Global Const $tWLAN_INTERFACE_INFO = 'struct;'&$tGUID&';endstruct;WCHAR Description[256];LONG isState'
Global Const $tWLAN_PROFILE_INFO = 'WCHAR ProfileName[256];DWORD dwFlags'

Global Const $tagLVITEM = 'UINT mask;int iItem;int iSubItem;UINT state;UINT stateMask;ptr pszText;'& _
'int cchTextMax;int iImage;LPARAM lParam;int iIndent;int iGroupId;UINT cColumns;UINT puColumns; int piColFmt;int iGroup'
Global Const $LVM_GETITEMTEXT		= 0x1000 + 115
Global Const $LVM_GETNEXTITEM		= 0x1000 + 12
Global Const $LVM_SETCOLLUMNWIDTH	= 0x1000 + 30
Global Const $LVM_DELETEALLITEMS	= 0x1000 + 9
Global Const $LVM_DELETEITEM		= 0x1000 + 8
Global Const $LVM_GETITEMCOUNT		= 0x1000 + 4

Global Const $GUI_SHOW = 16
Global Const $GUI_HIDE = 32
Global Const $GUI_ENABLE = 64
Global Const $GUI_DISABLE = 128

Global Const $CB_GETCURSEL = 0x147
Global Const $CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE = 0x157

#EndRegion Global constants

#Region Application Core
Global $hClient = _WlanOpenHandle()
Global $ExitVal = _Main()
Exit $ExitVal

Func _Main()
	Local $aInterfaces = _WlanGetInterfaces($hClient)
	If @error Or $aInterfaces[0][0] = 0 Then
		MsgBox(16,'No WLAN Interfaces', 'No WLAN interfaces found.')
		Return 1
	Local $hwnd = GUICreate('WLAN Profiles Manager',600, 500)
	GUICtrlCreateLabel('WLAN profiles manager lists the available Wifi profiles in the local computer.'&@CRLF& _
	'It allows to connect/disconnet and delete the listed profiles.',20,20)
	GUICtrlCreateLabel('Please select an inteface:',20,80)
	Local $intCombo = GUICtrlCreateCombo('',180,76,380,-1,3)
	For $i = 1 To $aInterfaces[0][0]
	Local $Msg, $aButton[6], $combosel = 0, $pcombosel = 0, $lvsel = -1, $plvsel = -1
	Local $clabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel('No profiles found for the selected interface.', 220, 180,340,20,1)
	Local $listview = GUICtrlCreateListView('  Profile name|  Type', 200,120, 380,360)
	Local $aProfiles = _ListWlanProfiles($listview, $clabel, $aInterfaces[1][0])
	$aButton[0] = GUICtrlCreateButton('Disconnect', 20,140,160,25)
	$aButton[1] = GUICtrlCreateButton('Connect selected', 20,190,160,25)
	$aButton[2] = GUICtrlCreateButton('Delete selected', 20,240,160,25)
	$aButton[3] = GUICtrlCreateButton('Delete all', 20,290,160,25)
	$aButton[4] = GUICtrlCreateButton('Refresh', 20,340,160,25)
	$aButton[5] = GUICtrlCreateButton('Exit', 20,390,160,25)
	GUICtrlSetState($aButton[1], $GUI_DISABLE)
	GUICtrlSetState($aButton[2], $GUI_DISABLE)
	GUICtrlSetState($aButton[0], $GUI_DISABLE)
	Local $ProfileName, $state, $count, $connected = 0
	If $aInterfaces[1][2] = 1 Then
		GUICtrlSetState($aButton[0], $GUI_ENABLE)
		$connected = 1
	If $aProfiles[0][0] = 0 Then GUICtrlSetState($aButton[3], $GUI_DISABLE)
	While 1
		$lvsel = GUICtrlSendMsg($listview, $LVM_GETNEXTITEM, -1, 2)
		If $lvsel <> $plvsel Then
			If $lvsel >= 0 And $plvsel >= 0 Then
				$plvsel = $lvsel
			$state = ($lvsel < 0) ? $GUI_DISABLE : $GUI_ENABLE
			GUICtrlSetState($aButton[1], $state)
			GUICtrlSetState($aButton[2], $state)
			$plvsel = $lvsel
		$Msg = GUIGetMsg()
		Switch $Msg
			Case $intCombo ; Change interface
				If GUICtrlSendMsg($intCombo,$CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE,0,0) Then ContinueLoop
				$combosel = Int(GUICtrlSendMsg($intCombo,$CB_GETCURSEL,0,0),1)
				If $combosel <> $pcombosel Then
					$aProfiles = _ListWlanProfiles($listview, $clabel, $aInterfaces[$combosel+1][0])
					$pcombosel = $combosel
					$state = ($combosel+1 = $connected) ? $GUI_ENABLE : $GUI_DISABLE
					GUICtrlSetState($aButton[0], $state)
					$state = $aProfiles[0][0] ? $GUI_ENABLE : $GUI_DISABLE
					GUICtrlSetState($aButton[3], $state)
			Case $aButton[0] ; Disconnect selected
				GUICtrlSetState($aButton[0], $GUI_DISABLE)
				$connected = 0
			Case $aButton[1] ; Connect selected
				If $lvsel < 0 Then ContinueLoop
				$ProfileName = _LvGetItemText($listview,$lvsel)
				If _WlanConnect($hClient,$aInterfaces[$combosel+1][0],$ProfileName) Then
					GUICtrlSetState($aButton[0], $GUI_ENABLE)
					$connected = $combosel+1
			Case $aButton[2] ; Delete selected
				If $lvsel < 0 Then ContinueLoop
				If MsgBox(52, 'Delete selected profile', _
				'Are you sure you want to delete the selected profile?',0,$hwnd) = 7 Then ContinueLoop
				$ProfileName = _LvGetItemText($listview,$lvsel)
				If _WlanDeleteProfile($hClient,$aInterfaces[$combosel+1][0],$ProfileName) Then _
				GUICtrlSendMsg($listview, $LVM_DELETEITEM, $lvsel, 0)
				_ListWlanProfiles($listview, $clabel, $aInterfaces[$combosel+1][0])
			Case $aButton[3] ; Delete all
				$count = GUICtrlSendMsg($listview, $LVM_GETITEMCOUNT,0,0)
				If $count = 0 Then ContinueLoop
				If MsgBox(52, 'Delete all profiles', _
				'Are you sure you want to delete the saved profiles belongint to this interface?', _
				0,$hwnd) = 7 Then ContinueLoop
				For $i = $count -1 To 0 Step -1
					$ProfileName = _LvGetItemText($listview,$i)
					If _WlanDeleteProfile($hClient,$aInterfaces[$combosel+1][0],$ProfileName) Then _
					GUICtrlSendMsg($listview, $LVM_DELETEITEM, $i, 0)
				GUICtrlSetState($aButton[3], $GUI_DISABLE)
				_ListWlanProfiles($listview, $clabel, $aInterfaces[$combosel+1][0])
			Case $aButton[4]
				Return _Main()
			Case -3, $aButton[5]
				Return 0
EndFunc ;==> _Main

#EndRegion Application core

#region Functions
Func _LvGetItemText($lvId, $item, $subitem = 0)
	Local $sLVITEM = DllStructCreate($tagLVITEM)
	DllStructSetData($sLVITEM, 'mask', 1)
	DllStructSetData($sLVITEM, 'iSubItem', $subitem)
	DllStructSetData($sLVITEM, 'cchTextMax', 1024)
	Local $sText = DllStructCreate('WCHAR[1024]')
	DllStructSetData($sLVITEM, 'pszText', DllStructGetPtr($sText))
	GUICtrlSendMsg($lvId, $LVM_GETITEMTEXT, $item, DllStructGetPtr($sLVITEM))
	Return DllStructGetData($sText,1)
EndFunc ;==> _LvGetItemText

Func _ListWlanProfiles($listview, $clabel, $interface)
	Local $aProfiles = _WlanGetProfiles($hClient, $interface)
	If $aProfiles[0][0] = 0 Then
		GUICtrlSetState($listview, $GUI_HIDE)
		GUICtrlSetState($clabel, $GUI_SHOW)
		GUICtrlSetState($clabel, $GUI_HIDE)
		For $i = 1 To $aProfiles[0][0]
			GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($aProfiles[$i][0]&'|'& _
		GUICtrlSetState($listview, $GUI_SHOW)
	Return $aProfiles
EndFunc ;==> _ListWlanProfiles

Func _ProfileTypeStr($state)
	Switch $state
		Case 0
			Return 'Wifi profile'
		Case 1
			Return 'Group policy Wifi profile'
		Case 2
			Return 'User Wifi profile'
	Return 'Unknown Wifi profile'
EndFunc ;==> _ProfileTypeStr

Func _WlanGetInterfaces($hClientHandle)
	Local $aRet[1][3] = [[0]]
	If $hClientHandle = 0 Then Return SetError(1,0,$aRet)
	Local $pItf = _WlanEnumInterfaces($hClientHandle)
	If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,$aRet)
	Local $wlinfo = DllStructCreate($tWLAN_INFO_LIST,$pItf)
	Local $Total = DllStructGetData($wlinfo,1)
	If $Total = 0 Then Return $aRet
	Local $vPtr = $pItf + DllStructGetSize($wlinfo), $sIntInfo
	ReDim $aRet[$Total+1][3]
	For $i = 1 To $Total
		$sIntInfo = DllStructCreate($tWLAN_INTERFACE_INFO, $vPtr)
		$aRet[$i][0] = DllStructCreate($tGUID)
		_CopyStruct($sIntInfo, $aRet[$i][0], 4)
		$aRet[$i][1] = DllStructGetData($sIntInfo, 'Description')
		$aRet[$i][2] = DllStructGetData($sIntInfo, 'isState')
		$vPtr += DllStructGetSize($sIntInfo)
	$aRet[0][0] = $Total
	Return $aRet
EndFunc ;==> _WlanGetInterfaces

Func _WlanGetProfiles($hClientHandle, $sGUid)
	Local $aRet[1][2] = [[0]]
	Local $pItf = _WlanGetProfileList($hClientHandle, $sGUid)
	If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,$aRet)
	Local $wlinfo = DllStructCreate($tWLAN_INFO_LIST,$pItf)
	Local $Total = DllStructGetData($wlinfo,1)
	If $Total = 0 Then Return $aRet
	Local $vPtr = $pItf + DllStructGetSize($wlinfo), $sProfInfo
	ReDim $aRet[$Total+1][2]
	For $i = 1 To $Total
		$sProfInfo = DllStructCreate($tWLAN_PROFILE_INFO, $vPtr)
		$aRet[$i][0] = DllStructGetData($sProfInfo, 'ProfileName')
		$aRet[$i][1] = DllStructGetData($sProfInfo, 'dwFlags')
		$vPtr += DllStructGetSize($sProfInfo)
	$aRet[0][0] = $Total
	Return $aRet
EndFunc ;==> _WlanGetProfiles

Func _CopyStruct($sSrc, $sDst, $Elems = 1)
	If Not IsDllStruct($sSrc) Or Not IsDllStruct($sDst) Then Return SetError(1,0,0)
	For $i = 1 To $Elems
		DllStructSetData($sDst,$i,DllStructGetData($sSrc, $i))
	Return 1
EndFunc ;==> _CopyStruct

Func _WlanOpenHandle()
	Local $aCall = DllCall($h__WLANAPI, 'DWORD','WlanOpenHandle', _
	If Not @error Then Return SetExtended($aCall[3],$aCall[4])
EndFunc ;==> _WlanOpenHandle

Func _WlanCloseHandle($hClientHandle)
	If $hClientHandle = 0 Then Return SetError(1,0,0)
	Local $aCall = DllCall($h__WLANAPI, 'DWORD','WlanCloseHandle', _
	'HANDLE',$hClientHandle, 'ptr',0)
	If Not @error Then Return Number($aCall[0] = 0)
EndFunc ;==> _WlanCloseHandle

Func _WlanEnumInterfaces($hClientHandle)
	If $hClientHandle = 0 Then Return SetError(1,0,0)
	Local $aCall = DllCall($h__WLANAPI, 'DWORD','WlanEnumInterfaces', _
	'HANDLE',$hClientHandle, 'ptr',0, 'ptr*',0)
	If Not @error And $aCall[0] = 0 Then Return $aCall[3]
	Return SetError(1,0,0)
EndFunc ;==> _WlanEnumInterfaces

Func _WlanGetProfileList($hClientHandle, $sGUid)
	Local $pGuid = IsDllStruct($sGUid) ? DllStructGetPtr($sGUid) : $sGUid
	Local $aCall = DllCall($h__WLANAPI, 'DWORD','WlanGetProfileList', _
	'HANDLE',$hClientHandle, 'ptr',$pGuid, 'ptr',0, 'ptr*',0)
	If Not @error And $aCall[0] = 0 Then Return $aCall[4]
	Return SetError(1,0,0)
EndFunc ;==> _WlanGetProfileList

Func _WlanFreeMemory($pmem)
	If $pmem = 0 Then Return SetError(1,0,0)
	DllCall($h__WLANAPI, 'none','WlanFreeMemory', 'ptr',$pmem)
	Return 1
EndFunc ;==> _WlanFreeMemory

Func _WlanDeleteProfile($hClientHandle, $sGUid, $ProfileName)
	Local $pGuid = IsDllStruct($sGUid) ? DllStructGetPtr($sGUid) : $sGUid
	Local $aCall = DllCall($h__WLANAPI, 'DWORD','WlanDeleteProfile', _
	'HANDLE',$hClientHandle, 'ptr',$pGuid, 'wstr',$ProfileName, 'ptr',0)
	If Not @error Then Return Number($aCall[0] = 0)
EndFunc ;==> _WlanDeleteProfile

Func _WlanConnect($hClientHandle, $sGUid, $ProfileName)
	Local $pGuid = IsDllStruct($sGUid) ? DllStructGetPtr($sGUid) : $sGUid
	Local $sProfile = DllStructCreate('WCHAR['&StringLen($ProfileName)+1&']')
	DllStructSetData($sProfile, 1,$ProfileName)
	Local $sConnParams = DllStructCreate('LONG wlanConnectionMode;'& _
	'ptr strProfile;ptr 0;ptr 0;LONG BssType;DWORD dwFlags')
	DllStructSetData($sConnParams, 'strProfile', DllStructGetPtr($sProfile,1))
	DllStructSetData($sConnParams, 'BssType', 3)
	Local $aCall = DllCall($h__WLANAPI, 'DWORD','WlanConnect', _
	'HANDLE',$hClientHandle, 'ptr',$pGuid, 'struct*',$sConnParams, 'ptr',0)
	If Not @error And $aCall[0] = 0 Then Return 1
	Return SetError(1,0,0)
EndFunc ;==> _WlanConnect

Func _WlanDisconnect($hClientHandle, $sGUid)
	Local $pGuid = IsDllStruct($sGUid) ? DllStructGetPtr($sGUid) : $sGUid
	Local $aCall = DllCall($h__WLANAPI, 'DWORD','WlanDisconnect', _
	'HANDLE',$hClientHandle, 'ptr',$pGuid, 'ptr',0)
	If Not @error And $aCall[0] = 0 Then Return 1
	Return SetError(1,0,0)
EndFunc ;==> _WlanDisconnect
#EndRegion Functions
Enjoy, and Merry Christmas!

Re: WLAN Profiles Manager

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:34 am
by FredJClaus
Thanks Fred. As soon as I'm back on my computer I will download this and try to install. Will this work for windows 7 as well or is this based on bills post about win8 specifically?

Re: WLAN Profiles Manager

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:35 am
by Morronicrepair
Very cool! I should really start looking on here first for scripts like these before I build my own tools :p

Re: WLAN Profiles Manager

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:10 am
by Charger440
Morronicrepair, you do pretty much anything you want with UVKs built-in scripting abilities. I personally don't know of a competitor that can say that. You can literally write an entire "program" to run inside UVK. Not sure why you would want to, but you could :)


Re: WLAN Profiles Manager

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 5:40 pm
by Charger440

Just FYI. I downloaded this script and line 249 has an error then 250 after that is fixed.... Might look in to that sometime.

Re: WLAN Profiles Manager

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:04 pm
by Fred
Thanks, Jim. Actually this script is fine. There's just a bug in the new beta that needs to be fixed.

Re: WLAN Profiles Manager

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:23 pm
by Charger440
LOL ok then :)

In that case, I found another bug for you :)
