TOS question

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TOS question

Post by FredJClaus »


On my RMM client computers, I've been trying to write a script that will do the following.
Clear Edge history
Clear Chrome history
Clear Firefox history
Clear Windows Event Logs
Empty Temp folder
Empty all browser Cache
Cleanup the registry
Cleanup Junk files
Unattended disk cleanup
and whichever one empties the recycle bin

I can't get anything in PowerShell or Python to do this for the life of me. While I was at a location today, I wondered. What are the Terms of Service for those with the pro-licensed version of UVK? Can I store it in a hidden folder on each of my client's computers and then tell the RMM tool to send a signal to run a particular setting file on that computer?

Is that an option, or would I have to buy a license for each machine I put it on?
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Re: TOS question

Post by Fred »

Hi Fred.
While I do allow computer technicians to leave UVK installed in their customers' machines, ideally you would join our reseller program and buy a batch of cheap licenses for that matter. Those licenses activate automatically, and are very cheap, which would let you make a significant profit by reselling them to your customers.
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Re: TOS question

Post by FredJClaus »

Sorry, I thought I replied to this, but it appears my IP address is blocked when I do it through my phone. Anyway, thanks for letting me know, Fred; I appreciate it. Will these be one-time purchases, or do the licenses renew each year? Also, is it the same as my version, or will the endpoint version be a stripped-down version of what I have?
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Re: TOS question

Post by Fred »

Fred, technician oem licenses are all lifetime valid, and they behave exactly like your PRO or branding license, except cloudsync uploads are not allowed, to prevent the user of that machine from changing your synced settings.
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Re: TOS question

Post by FredJClaus »

Perfect. I think I will have to look into this.
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Re: TOS question

Post by Fredclaus »

Sorry to keep bothering you Fred, but I have another question about this. If I buy say a 5 license pack to start, then I need more, can I then buy them individually, or do I need to purchase another 5 license pack? Also, do you have a way to accept "Donations"? I don't think this should all be a lifetime deal, you need to make money somehow, and I'd love the donate something yearly.
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Re: TOS question

Post by Fred »

Hi Fred. You can buy tech OEM licenses individually, but for those you need to know the terget machine's hardware fingerprint upfront. In short terms, individually licenses are associated with a hardware id when you purchase them. Batch licenses are associated with a hardware id when you activate them.
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One thing we humans have in common is that we are all different. So, if you think you're weird because you're different from everyone else, then we are all weird.

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