Bootable ISO

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Bootable ISO

Post by Fredclaus »

I'm not sure if this is a feature request or something else. Have you ever thought of building your own WinPE that includes UVK and your other software? One thing that I hate is when I have to book from a WinPE, I can't use my UVK to remove the virus so I can boot normal.
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Re: Bootable ISO

Post by Fred »

Hi Fred. UVK runs fine from a WinPE environment, but it will not be of much use because it lacks the ability to load a system from an external drive.

You can always use the Threat scanner's custom scan feature to scan the external drive for viruses, or the Delete Files module to remove file objects from the external drive. One interesting thing UVK lets you do is browse an external drive's file system without changing permissions. Just go to Delete Files and folders and click Add files. You will be able to see the contents of any directory without requiring permissions for it.

You can also use the following System repair applets on an external drive: DISM repair GUI with all options, SFC scan GUI with all options and Check disk GUI with all options.
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