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Last Thursday on 01/29/2019 it was as cold as I’ve ever experienced in my life time. My car tires literally had a flat spot on them when I took off and it took about a quarter mile before they became round again my cars thermometer said it was -40 below zero and then it went to just three dashes. I guess my car only goes to -40 below zero.
Edit: This was in northern Minnesota USA
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Wow, that's colder than inside my freezer. You probably spend a fortune to heat your home. And with those temperatures, how do you go out?
One thing we humans have in common is that we are all different. So, if you think you're weird because you're different from everyone else, then we are all weird.
Yes, heat bills get pretty high. Propane gas prices fluctuate often so it makes it hard to budget for winter but I’ve been here all my life and people just make it happen. One really has no choice unless you want to freeze. Before that day the coldest I’ve ever seen was -36 below zero.
As far as going outdoors, you really need to bundle yourself up in layers of clothing. It makes it hard to move around but it helps keep you warm. It’s your face, ears, hands and feet that normally get cold first.
People do die every year from freezing to death as well as falling thru the ice. The ice up here now it about 20 inches or more thick so it’s pretty safe but people sometimes make stupid mistakes miss calculating the cold and the ice and it cost them their life. This last cold snap was super dangerous and several people did die. In that kind of weather as well as snow storms, people need to help one another when it’s like that. When its cold and you see someone with a broken down car, you really need to help them. I know for myself, if I passed someone by that needed help and found out later they had frozen to death I would feel so bad and ashamed of myself. I guess that’s true for any emergency situation like that anywhere. Anyway, here’s to staying warm and dry. Have a super day!