Create a new 3rd Party Application and name/describe it.
The file URL is (direct download)
Save it on the current user's desktop (%userprofile%\desktop\
DO NOT USE %ThirdParty% or other UVK-specific variables. That breaks the rest of the process.
Check the box for automatic unzipping.
On the second page of app setup, use the following 3 commands, in order:
Code: Select all
cmd.exe /c copy %userprofile%\desktop\hosts\hosts %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
cmd.exe /c del %userprofile%\desktop\
cmd.exe /c rd /s /q %userprofile%\desktop\hosts
What is MVPS Hosts?
It's a 500KB Hosts file designed to filter out and block a great number of malware and adware related domains. It's not perfect, but in a world full of threats, it's not a bad idea to block the known bad guys by default. On a modern PC, I don't even notice the tiny amount of time it takes for my system to check the list before resolving a new domain (cached domains don't consult the list).