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Re: bugs

Post by Fred »

Hi Jamie, I hope your surgery has gone well. When you're recovered, please post back here so we start solving your connection issue.

Best regards.
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Re: bugs

Post by jabernathy »

Fred, I am back at it again. I was working fine in Zirmed today and then wala I went to sign in around 1pm and I get the error message "IE8 can not display this page". As soon as this happened on my pc, the front office also could not access. Our pc's are no longer connected. would that not suggest a modem issue? I tried calling Comcast however they tell me because I have access everywhere else except this one page, they are saying it is my problem. Zirmed is of coarse saying their website is fine and yes, I can access them again on my apply.
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Re: bugs

Post by jabernathy »

Fred, after my last post, I shut down and unplugged our modem, waited about 10 seconds and started everything back up again. I now have access when I log into Zirmed. How can our modem single out this one website and not allow us access? or is this still a setting somewhere in my IE8? I checked with Front Office, they also now have access to Zirmed.
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Re: bugs

Post by Fred »

It's not something I heard about before, but I'm guessing it has something to do with the external IP address. Not the Ip address of the network adapter, the router's. Zirmed must have some sort of security system that blocks an IP address when, let's say, someone tries to connect more than 3 times with a wrong pass or ID?

Then, when you restart the router, the Ip address changes, and you can try again.

Just a thought, I'm not saying it's what happened, but it's the first thing that crossed my mind.
One thing we humans have in common is that we are all different. So, if you think you're weird because you're different from everyone else, then we are all weird.

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Re: bugs

Post by jabernathy »

Fred, that has got to be it. I noticed specifically that Zirmed, after a few moments of not activly working on their page, it shuts down. like the bank for instance. When you try and work, not knowing you are shut out, it hangs up. When you try and log back in, IE wont open page at all. I will talk with Zirmed about it further as I am positive you have got it right.
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Re: bugs

Post by jabernathy »

Fred, I heard back from Zirmed Tech support and they believe a virus is in the router. They do not have the security system in place but suggest calling our ISP and having that router redone or reset and then changing from a WEP to a WAP2 setting.
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Re: bugs

Post by Fred »

Weird... but possible. I think it's worth to try.
One thing we humans have in common is that we are all different. So, if you think you're weird because you're different from everyone else, then we are all weird.

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