Been a long time!
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We have no special rules for UVK forums. Just try to be polite and clear in your posts.
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Been a long time!
Hello everyone! Been so long that I feel I should introduce myself again. I'm Brink.
I still use UVK on a regular basis and it has always served me well. Thanks to Fred for creating such an awesome tool! I have just been so busy with many other things besides PC repair and UVK has worked so well that I have not needed information that I might get from following this forum. I hope everyone is well. Shame on me for not stopping by on occasion just to say hello though. I'll try to do better in that regard. Anyway, happy teching to everyone. See ya!

Re: Been a long time!
Well, glad to meet you again, Brink. I started to think you had moved on to a different toolset. Have a nice day!
One thing we humans have in common is that we are all different. So, if you think you're weird because you're different from everyone else, then we are all weird.
Re: Been a long time!
Hi Brink
It’s good to know your still around. Your right, UVK and the other tools just work so there’s not always smoothing to talk about. I also get super busy with life. Stop in now & then when you have time. Take care and be safe!
It’s good to know your still around. Your right, UVK and the other tools just work so there’s not always smoothing to talk about. I also get super busy with life. Stop in now & then when you have time. Take care and be safe!

Play stupid games….win stupid prizes
Re: Been a long time!
@ Fred: There are other tools sets that are equivalent to yours? I think you are mistaken. If it's not in the UVK then its in the Tech Tool Store.
@Bill: Thanks, you do the same. Try not to get too cold up there!
@Bill: Thanks, you do the same. Try not to get too cold up there!
Re: Been a long time!
It is just too long in-between saying hello to you guys. But hello again!
Re: Been a long time!
Hello again, Brink!
One thing we humans have in common is that we are all different. So, if you think you're weird because you're different from everyone else, then we are all weird.
Re: Been a long time!
Hey guys. I’m still out here. I’m not doing a lot anymore. My heath isn’t so great. Been doing a lot of fishing. Mostly Small mouth bass and northern pike. Fun to catch. I like fish but rarely keep any of them. My daughters and sons in-law hook us up with already cleaned ready to cook fish. I just plan to try to enjoy life as much as I can.
It’s nice to hear from you guys. Stay safe and watch out for crazy people.
It’s nice to hear from you guys. Stay safe and watch out for crazy people.

Play stupid games….win stupid prizes
Re: Been a long time!
Oh Bill, sorry your health isn't good. Thankfully you have a good family that takes good care of you. I'm guessing you spend mot of your time at your cabin by the lake, which is good. Nature is good at healing.
Stay safe and keep in touch!
Stay safe and keep in touch!
One thing we humans have in common is that we are all different. So, if you think you're weird because you're different from everyone else, then we are all weird.
Re: Been a long time!
Bill, I just realized that your last reply was a week ago. Sorry about that. For some reason, I'm not getting email notifications about replies to posts in the forum. Have to check that out.
One thing we humans have in common is that we are all different. So, if you think you're weird because you're different from everyone else, then we are all weird.
Re: Been a long time!
I can't blame the email because I don't check it so often. It is good to hear that you are hanging in there though Bill. Sorry about your health but that setup by the lake sounds nice. Just continue to enjoy life as much as possible. Cheers