Thanks Xander and Bill for your replies. Currently I am busy some critical jobs (not related to PCs but the whole Industrial machine) After finishing these jobs, I will to check/test some more software (like Dameware Remote Support/Mini remote control)
I need some suggestions regarding different remote support and administration software, What you are using and whats your opinion about different software.
At the moment I am using TeamViewer free version which is good for normal remote support. Its free and easy to use. Different packages ...
Believe me, The UI placement (buttons/icons) are very important for your quick response specially if you are stuck in production environment. Thats the reason windows 8 can't get the good response from customers. I remember after working with many years with win 95/98, many people (including me ...
I have a wish since beginning regarding "Welcome Screen" button/link.
It is good if the "Welcome Screen" button/link is always the same size and on same location like start button in windows, this could be very helpful specially in tense envoirment.
I can not make UVK's uninstaller remove %InstallSourceDir%, because there may be files in that directory that should not be deleted, but I can make it delete the UVK installer.
Normally it is good not to delete the folder but as in update process (like in auto update feature) it should be ...
I have tried to access but it says "Sorry, you cannot access the requested page."
I have tried to access it from different internet connections/provoder and different browsers (Internet Explorer, Edge, Opera, Chrome, FireFox) but the result is same. The last IP which I ...
Hi, guys. The new beta has a new option to set the path of the Third party folder, which is where the files are downloaded to. Techs having an NAS to launch applications from can set the third party folder to be the same as %InstallSourceDir%, and launch UVK from UVKPortable.exe, in the NAS ...
csm wrote:I rather would see a mesagge like, " no bios key detected" then see nothing.
the proper way is
It is good if we see a message instead of nothing (like No BIOS Key detected or No UEFI BIOS active/detected), in this manner we will sure that the App working fine.....